B-Con (Bleeding Control), a tactical medicine course open to all, whose goal is to train as many people as possible in life-saving techniques for controlling massive hemorrhages.

SilentCroc organizes Bleeding Control tactical medicine courses open to everyone. The courses are scheduled according to a predetermined calendar. Below we illustrate the characteristics of the course. It is possible to use the form at the bottom to request more information.

Learn more about the Bleeding Control Tactical Medicine Course

>B-Con (Bleeding Control), a tactical medicine course open to all, whose goal is to train as many people as possible in life-saving techniques for controlling massive hemorrhages.</h2>
<p>SilentCroc organizes Bleeding Control tactical medicine courses open to everyone. The courses are scheduled according to a predetermined calendar.Certifications: Participation certificate in the B-Con course.

Target audience: All people, no age limit.

Teachers: Civilians, Healthcare professionals, SOCMs and NSOCMs, all NAEMT certified instructors

instructor/student rate 1:8

Class Duration: 4 theoretical/practical hours

Cost: The course is free. It is requested an expenses compensation of to be determined by the number of participants and the trip that the instructors will have to face. For more info contact us.

Resources: https://www.bleedingcontrol.org/resources

Course description

Il corso di medicina tattica Bleeding Control è rivolto a tutti e si prefigge di fornire le conoscenze base per evitare morti prevenibili causate da emorragie massive.The Bleeding Control tactical medicine course is open to everyone and provides the basic knowledge to avoid preventable deaths caused by massive hemorrhages. The B-Con course is open to everyone and provides as many people as possible with the basic knowledge to avoid preventable deaths caused by massive hemorrhages.

It is designed for those who, despite having little or no medical training, may find themselves having to help trauma casualties with massive bleeding while waiting for the arrival of the healthcare personnel.

B-Con is a fundamental capability also included in more comprehensive training offerings, such as TCCC and TECC courses.

Cours content

  • Recognize and treat all compressible massive hemorrhages
  • Practice using tourniquet CAT, know its indications for use, application, limits, and side effects
  • Be able to stop massive bleeding with the packing technique
  • Recognize signs and symptoms of hypovolemic shock
  • Identify the most appropriate treatment and the appropriate medical device to stop a hemorrhage

The most current and state-of-the-art medical devices approved by the TCCC Committee will be demonstrated and explained.

A Stop the Bleed (American College of Surgeons/Committee of Trauma) certificate will be issued.

Request information about the corse

The other courses of tactical medicine Silentcroc

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