Training courses in tactical medicine, topography and orienteering, survival. SilentCroc deals with training military and civilian personnel.
SilentCroc training courses: a complete and high-level training environment for military, civilian and law enforcement personnel. All the proposals provided are the result of studies, trainings, and real operational experiences. Professionalism and commitment are the basis, but our experience is the added value that only we can offer you. Until the end, SilentCroc.
SilentCroc is passion. It was born from melting pot of ideas, know-hows, skills and experiences of outdoor professionals and SOF operators highly specialized both in the civilian and military field.
SilentCroc offers training courses in three extremely important areas:
Tactical medicine courses aimed at civilians, military, law enforcement, medical personnel, firefighters, and security personnel. Learn more here.
Land navigation courses open to an audience sixteen years old and over. Learn more about the courses here.
Survival courses targeted at those who, by profession or hobby, are facing emergencies in urban, remote, or wild areas. Learn more here.
Managing Director of SilentCroc is Emanuele Millo.
Managing Director
Emanuele Millo
Since he was a boy Emanuele has approached various outdoor disciplines thanks to family and Boy Scouts. In 2003 he joined the Italian Army where he served as an airborne infantry NCO until 2007. Since 2008 he has been dedicated to deepening his knowledge in the outdoor field, in the field of investigations, security and training, activities that he still carries out professionally.
Graduate in Science for Investigation and Security
Airborne Infantry NCO Background
Qualified Hiking Guide Technician (FI20105951 L.R. 42/2000)
Cartography Expert (FISO technician) and Survival Techniques Expert
NAEMT TCCC, TECC, B-Con Instructor (ID 507143)
NAEMT Authorized Training Center – SilentCroc CEO (ID 7695)
Thanks to his experiences, and his work partnerships’, Emanuele Millo avails himself of a support team consisting of highly specialized operators, always up-to-date and employed in various operating theaters.
“Training people who can react and operate outside their comfort zone is our mission.”
Managing Director SilentCroc – Emanuele Millo