The “Move Everywhere” (Muovi Ovunque) topography and orienteering course is an advanced course based on navigation in medium and high-risk environments. Its objectives are equipment care, setup, and backup, study of an itinerary and the area of interest, movement techniques, night and day navigation, communications, contingencies.

SilentCroc offers Muovi Ovunque training courses in topography and orienteering, open to everyone 16 years old and over and have completed the Move Fast course. The courses are scheduled according to a predetermined calendar. Below we illustrate the characteristics of the course. It is possible to use the form at the bottom to request more information.

Lear more about the Move Everywhere “Muovi Ovunque” topography and orienteering course

Il corso di topografia ed orientamento Muovi ovunque è un corso avanzato basato sulla navigazione in ambienti a medio ed alto rischio. Ha come obbiettivi la cura dei materiali e del setup, backup, studio dell’itinerario e dell’area d’interesse, tipologie di movimento, navigazione diurna e notturna, comunicazioni, contingenze.

Target audience: everyone 16 years old and over and have completed the Move Fast course

instructors: Outdoor professionals, FISO technicians and public safety operators

instructor/student rate 1:8

Class Duration: 30 effective hours, a mix of theoretical and practical lessons, spread over 2 days

From 09:00 of the first day, to 15:00 of the second.

Cost: 170 Euro

Teaching material: All teaching material related to the course will be provided by SilentCroc.

For groups of 12 people or more the course can be carried out in other locations. For info contact us.

Learn more about the course

Il corso di topografia ed orientamento Muovi ovunque è un corso avanzato basato sulla navigazione in ambienti a medio ed alto rischio. Ha come obbiettivi la cura dei materiali e del setup, backup, studio dell’itinerario e dell’area d’interesse, tipologie di movimento, navigazione diurna e notturna, comunicazioni, contingenze.

The Muovi Everywhere topography and orienteering course is an advanced course based on navigation in medium and high risk environments. Its objectives are equipment care, setup, and backup, study of an itinerary and the area of interest, movement techniques, day and night navigation, communications, contingencies. The course will address the theme of navigation in medium and high risk environments.

Objectives: equipment care, setup, and backup, study of an itinerary and area of interest, movement techniques, day and night navigation, communications, contingencies.

The topics covered will be:

Review of the basic concepts already acquired in Move Safe, Always, and Fast

  • The topics covered will be:
  • Review of the basic concepts already acquired in Move Safe, Always, and Fast
  • Logistics, and equipment setup
  • Assignments Division
  • PACE
  • Dangerous points
  • Movement techniques
  • Communications
  • Information gathering
  • Contingencies
  • Numerous practical sessions
  • The course will be almost totally practical and will take place in any weather conditions

The course will be almost totally practical and will take place in any weather conditions

Request information about the corse

The other courses of Topography and Orienteering Silentcroc

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